The Oral Habilitation of the Breastfeeding Dyad: A Master Class for IBCLCs.
Presented by: Sandra Coulson, MS, ST, ED, COM, Bryna Sampey, IBCLC, RLC, Jennifer Tow, BFA, MA, IBCLC, LMT, CSOM, Sharon Vallone, DC, FICCP
Intuitive Parenting Network, LLC has been accepted by International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) as a CERP Provider for the listed Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) programme. Determination of CERPs eligibility or CERPs Provider status does not imply IBLCE’s endorsement or assessment of education quality. INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF LACTATION CONSULTANT EXAMINERS®, IBLCE®, INTERNATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED LACTATION CONSULTANT®, and IBCLC® are registered marks of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.
There will be an intellectual property agreement to sign at the beginning of the course. Approval of this agreement is not automated and may take up to 2 business days to complete.
Course curriculum
Intellectual Property Agreement—IBCLC MasterClass
Learning to See Babies
Introduction: The Role of the Primitive Reflex in Oral Function, Bryna Hayden
Breastfeeding: the Architect of the Human Airway, Jennifer Tow
Myofunctional Disorders: Origination in Infancy, Long-term Impact on Human Health: Sandra Coulson
Functional Assessment of the Breast/Chest Feeding Dyad Part 1, Bryna Hayden & Jennifer Tow
Functional Assessment of the Breast/Chest Feeding Dyad: Part 2, Bryna Hayden & Jennifer Tow
Rhythmic Movement for Function, Bryna Hayden
The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Intro, Sharon Vallone
The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part 2, Sharon Vallone
The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part 3, Sharon Vallone
The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part 4a, Sharon Vallone
The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part 4b, Sharon Vallone
The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part 5, Sharon Vallone
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Part 1 Bryna Hayden
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Part 2 Jennifer Tow
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Tongue Huggies
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Hip Massage and Stir the Soup
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Tongue Tip Circle
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Tongue Side Pushes
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Tongue Lateralization
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Lollipop Cheek Stretch
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Arm Circles
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Lip Stretch & Smooth
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Upper & Lower Lip External Brushing
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Lip Glides
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Lip Presses
Looking at the WHOLE BABY, Sharon Vallone
Maternal History and its Role in Functional Habilitation, Jennifer Tow
Collaborative Assessment of Neurologic and Biomechanical Function as it Affects Breastfeeding, Bryna Hayden & Sharon Vallone
Supporting Healing and Optimising Function Post Tongue-tie Release, Jennifer Tow
Effectively & Ethically Communicating With & Teaching Parents, Professionals, Colleagues, Bryna Hayden
The Steps to Habilitation: Applying Our Tools in Normalising Function, Sharon Vallone
Morning Live Session
Afternoon Live Session
Evening Live Session
Post-MasterClass Completion Information

About this course
- $675.00
- 38 lessons
- 33 hours of video content
We reserve the right to refund registration in full and cancel the attendance of participants in cases of force majeure, where concerns of intellectual property infringement is at issue or for other reasons in conflict with our educational mission.
If you are not an IBCLC, you will be refunded less the Stripe fee.