The Poop Talk: Infant Gut Health: Common vs Normal

"It's normal for breastfed babies not to poop for days because breastmilk is all used up". Is this true? What's behind this assertion? What does the science reveal? How does this conflation between common and normal inform practice and what are the consequences to infant health?

The Poop Talk: Infant Gut Health: Common vs Normal

"It's normal for breastfed babies not to poop for days because breastmilk is all used up". 

This is one of the most commonly shared and staunchly-held myths that comes from as widely disparate sources as pediatricians, nurses, La Leche League Leaders, WIC, breastfeeding professionals...almost anyone whose role is to educate parents about infant health....and of course, from other parents and self-proclaimed experts all over social media.

Is this true? 

What's behind this assertion? 

What does the science reveal? 

Is this myth harmful? 

How does this conflation between common and normal inform practice and what are the consequences to infant feeding and health? 


  • Review the published science related to infant gut function.

  • Consider how the normalization of bottle-feeding led to the conflation between common and normal.

  • Illustrate how ancestral changes in the human microbiome (especially in the West) have influenced breastfeeding and infant gut health.

  • Explain how genetic variants impact the infant gut, including digestion and the establishment of the immune system.

  • Discuss how these physiologic and cultural changes have adversely impacted breastfeeding.

  • Suggest strategies that may be utilized to improve digestion and/or normalize gut health in the breastfeeding dyad.


Regular Pricing: $117

No refunds on this on-line event.

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CERPs Allocated by IBLCE

IBLCE Approval Number CLT114-33

Intuitive Parenting Network, LLC has been accepted by International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners  (IBLCE) as a CERP Provider for the listed Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) programme. Determination of CERPs eligibility or CERPs Provider status does not imply IBLCE’s endorsement or assessment of education quality. INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF LACTATION CONSULTANT EXAMINERS®, IBLCE®, INTERNATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED LACTATION CONSULTANT®, and IBCLC® are registered marks of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.


IBCLCs, other lactation professionals, MDs, DOs, midwives, bodyworkers. The course is not open to the general public.


Jennifer Tow, BFA, MA, IBCLC, LMT, CSOM.

Jennifer has practiced holistic lactation and guided parents in raising their children holistically for almost 35 years. A fascination with the physiology of wellness has led her on a decades-long journey exploring the influences on infant health that come to define long-term human well-being. She has a special interest in the areas of epigenetics and the microbiome, gut-brain health, oral functional competency and airway development, exploring the profoundly far-reaching implications of this work for breastfeeding dyads.

While residing between the USA & France from 2010-12, Jennifer established an international client base and now sees most of her clients on-line, specializing in collaborating with her clients in resolving complex breastfeeding issues. With a Master's degree in Holistic Health Coaching, her reputation for guiding parents through these issues stems from her ability to integrate holistic modalities and an expanded skill-set, such as myofunctional therapy and bodywork techniques, into her practice.

She is a writer and lecturer, offering workshops internationally and via webinar on lactation & epigenetics, gut health & healing, tongue-tie & airway development and holistic lactation practices. She offers a year-long advanced course in Integrative and Holistic Lactation. She is a founding member of IATP (the International Affiliation of Tongue-tie Professionals) and founder of the Holistic Lactation Institute.

Jennifer is the mother of three children born at home in 1988, 92 & 98 and a granddaughter born at home in 2009. She has come to deeply embrace the wisdom and humility gained from gestating, birthing, nursing and parenting these three amazing human beings.


NO REFUNDS for this online event.

We reserve the right to refund registration in full and cancel the attendance of participants in cases where concerns of intellectual property infringement is at issue or for other reasons in conflict with our educational mission.

All those who do not have one of the following credentials will be refunded, less the Stripe fee: IBCLCs, other lactation professionals, MDs, nurse practioners, NDs, DCs, DOs, midwives, bodyworkers. If you are uncertain as to whether you should register, please email [email protected] before doing so.


There will be an intellectual property agreement to sign at the beginning of the course. Approval of this agreement is not automated and may take up to 2 business days to complete.