Hands Off! The Virtual IBCLC: Building the Skills to Listen, Observe, Collaborate and Effectively Support Breastfeeding Dyads Remotely.
RECORDED! Two-part webinar series was recorded Live on March 29 and April 5, 2020.
Take your IBCLC skillset and toolkit on-line! Learn the skills necessary to be effective in doing assessments, developing care plans and even guiding breastfeeding dyads through complex issues on-line. In merging your strong foundation of lactation knowledge and experience with a comprehensive history, close listening and perceptive observation skills, you will be able to meet the needs of breastfeeding dyads anywhere. With some experience, you will find you can replace your hands-on skills with verbal instruction, as well as visual tools such as videos and photos. Whether offering general breastfeeding education or care to dyads who have no local lactation support, or your specialized skills to those with more specific needs, expanding to virtual care can broaden your client base to those seeking your services.
As a former La Leche League Leader, I honed my listening skills through the thousands of calls I took over many years of phone helping. In 2008, I helped my first Skype client in Costa Rica and I was quickly hooked on helping families who had no access to local resources. By 2011, while living in France, I was seeing the vast majority of my clients on-line and today I see approximately 80% of my breastfeeding clients remotely. Through developing a unique and specialized skillset in oral/postural assessment and habilitation, as well as gut healing and metabolic guidance, I have established a global client base. Working globally has afforded me numerous opportunities for professional development and the personal gratification that comes with helping so many families of varied backgrounds who would not otherwise have had access to the support they need and deserve.
Now is the time, especially during the current global crisis, to jump in and make yourself available to the thousands of parents in need of your breastfeeding skills. Join me now on this journey!
Intuitive Parenting Network, LLC has been accepted by International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) as a CERP Provider for the listed Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) programme. Determination of CERPs eligibility or CERPs Provider status does not imply IBLCE’s endorsement or assessment of education quality. INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF LACTATION CONSULTANT EXAMINERS®, IBLCE®, INTERNATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED LACTATION CONSULTANT®, and IBCLC® are registered marks of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.
What other IBCLCs are Saying:
"Every single one of Jen Tow’s classes have changed the way I provide lactation support in a profound way, and this class is no exception. The class not only gave me the confidence to provide virtual support in a meaningful way, it provided tools to make me a better clinician, both online and in person. I’m so excited to take the information I gained in the class, not just because of current circumstances, but to be able to provide parents with a more accessible option for much needed quality breastfeeding support. As an IBCLC who works in a pediatrician’s office, my visits are short, and often rushed. Sometimes, I am not able to see as much as I would like during a visit. The tools in this course showed me how to obtain better information and provide better support for even those clients who I see in person. I’m really excited about virtual visits though and the benefits that I think it offers both myself and new parents. I can’t see how they wouldn’t always be a part of my practice from now on." ...Avery Young, M.S, M.Ed, IBCLC, Atlanta, Georgia
"Jennifer offers detailed and clear ways of assessing mom and baby while not even being in the room. Hands Off! Virtual IBCLC is full of information on how to instruct parents to take photos and videos that capture breastfeeding, baby’s posture and how they move, which is key to help identify what is contributing to breastfeeding challenges. She teaches how to hone your observational skills to see all the information we need from the videos parents take and send in combination with learning how to ask more targeted questions during the live virtual consultation. She points out that virtual consultations are an opportunity to help parents regardless of their location, many of which do not have access to care by a private practice IBCLC with the skills required to help them. Jennifer also encourages the IBCLC that doing virtual consultations can allow you to focus more on your area of expertise again helping breastfeeding parents anywhere. The main takeaway from the parent interviews Jennifer shares in the webinar is how empowered the mothers feel from working virtually even though they experienced some initial hesitation. Empowering mothers at the beginning of their parenting journey is an amazing gift and is in large part why we do what we do as private practice IBCLCs."...Sabrina Granniss, BA, IBCLC, RLC
"Taking Hands Off! The Virtual IBCLC was so very informative. Jennifer provides concrete tools and ways to take care of yourself, while also showing you how to use your tools to continue providing excellent care. I am used to providing in-person support for challenging cases and using my virtual services for things that are simpler. I was nervous about how this transition to virtual support would impact the level of care I can provide. I walked away from this course feeling confident and capable to continue providing the same level of excellent care my clients are used to, in a new format."....Katy Linda, IBCLC, RLC
"The webinar is very timely! This is an area Jennifer is an expert in, as she has been applying these principles with families for years. I appreciate her expertise!"...Leah Segura, BSW, IBCLC, PCD(DONA)
This course is for IBCLCS ONLY. If you are not an IBCLC, you will be refunded less the Stripe fee.
We reserve the right to refund registration in full and cancel the attendance of participants in cases of force majeure, or where concerns of intellectual property infringement are at issue.
If you are not an IBCLC, your registration will be canceled and you will be refunded less the Stripe fee.
There will be a registration form to fill out at the beginning of the course. Approval of this form is not automated and may take up to 2 business days to complete.