The Oral Habilitation of the Breastfeeding Dyad: A Master Class for IBCLCs.

Presented by: Sandra Coulson, MS, ST, ED, COM, Bryna Sampey, IBCLC, RLC, Jennifer Tow, BFA, MA, IBCLC, LMT, CSOM, Sharon Vallone, DC, FICCP

The IBCLC Master Class has gone on-line!
The on-line course scheduled for Charlotte was presented as recorded on-line webinars along with Live Integration sessions (recorded) in October 2020 with some revised/additonal material recorded in 2023. 
Join us for our 3-day intensive Master Class as we present, discuss and explore the various tricks, tools, resources, interventions and innovative techniques that we can utilize as IBCLCs in supporting the habilitation of the breastfeeding dyad in overcoming oral dysfunction.
25.75 L-CERPs, 7 R-CERPs, 1 E-CERP
CERPs Allocated by IBLCE
IBLCE Approval Number CLT114-33
CERPS will only be awarded for the entire course, not for individual sessions.

Intuitive Parenting Network, LLC has been accepted by International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners  (IBLCE) as a CERP Provider for the listed Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) programme. Determination of CERPs eligibility or CERPs Provider status does not imply IBLCE’s endorsement or assessment of education quality. INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF LACTATION CONSULTANT EXAMINERS®, IBLCE®, INTERNATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED LACTATION CONSULTANT®, and IBCLC® are registered marks of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.

Viewed in sequence.
Learning to See Babies, Jennifer Tow
Functional Assessment of the Breastfed Baby, Bryna Sampey & Jennifer Tow
Introduction: The Role of the Primitive Reflex in Oral Function, Bryna Sampey
Myofunctional Disorders: Origination in Infancy, Long-term Impact on Human Health: Sandra Coulson
Breastfeeding: the Architect of the Human Airway, Jennifer Tow
Rhythmic Movement for Function, Bryna Sampey
The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part One, Sharon Vallone
The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part Two, Sharon Vallone
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Part 1 Bryna Sampey & Jennifer Tow
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Part 2 Bryna Sampey
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Part 3 Jennifer Tow
Collaborative Assessment of Neurologic and Biomechanical Function as it Affects Breastfeeding, Bryna Sampey & Sharon Vallone
Maternal History and its Role in Functional Habilitation, Jennifer Tow
Supporting Healing and Optimising Function Post Tongue-tie Release, Jennifer Tow
Effectively & Ethically Communicating With & Teaching Parents, Professionals, Colleagues, Bryna Sampey
Steps to Habilitation: Applying Our Tools in Normalising Function, Sharon Vallone
BONUS Webinar: (not required for CERPs)
Foundational Anatomy, Sharon Vallone (2.25) R
These SESSIONS were PRESENTED LIVE NOV 1, 2020 (now recorded)
Find Your Spot: Sandra Coulson (plus Q&A)
The Role of the Primitive Reflex in Oral Function & Rhythmic Movement for Function, Integration Session: Bryna Sampey
The Interdisciplinary team: Integration of Assessment Skills, Bryna Sampey, Jennifer Tow
Learning to See Babies & The Role of Bodywork in Normalizing Function,Integration Session: Jennifer Tow, Sharon Vallone
Collaborative Assessment of Neurologic & Biomechanical Function & the Interdisciplinary Team: Integration Session, Bryna Sampey & Sharon Vallone
Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby Integration Session: Bryna Sampey, Jennifer Tow, & Sharon Vallone
TOTAL 33.75 25.75 L-CERPs, 7 R-CERPs, 1 E-CERP

MANUAL THERAPY TRACK 17.5 hours for Chiropractors and Osteopaths, click here

6 MONTH ACCESS to all webinars.
$675 IBCLCs
$350 ONLY FOR PREVIOUS ATTENDEES reviewing the course. Attendance at other courses hosted by IPN does not apply. 
Please note, fee includes the full deck of exercise cards for first time attendees. The exercise cards will be mailed to IBCLC attendees free of charge in the US. Shipping will be charged outside of the US.
Contact Jennifer Tow at [email protected] with any questions about the course
Comments from our courses:
"So much validation and incredible ah-ha moments with loads of new information to process and integrate into practice. I have been a sponge the past three days! The heart and soul you've put into the content is palpable and I have never felt more value from the investment from any prior lactation training. I want to take allllll of your courses! ❤" ....Amy Walker Johnston, IBCLC, USA

"I loved this course- such important work. That combination of different perspectives, all that clinical wisdom, an absolute privilege to join you."...Mary Bourke, Australia

"This was one of the best conferences I've attended. I learned so much from each of you, and from many of the participants as well. I knew I would learn things to help with the babies, I didn't know that I would learn things to help myself as well! Thank you all for such a well put-together program. Everything flowed appropriately, the hands on was great, sharing your slides was generous. I would totally recommend this conference, and might even have to repeat it because you taught us so much I can't imagine retaining it all!"...Gail Dittes RNC IBCLC

"This was the capstone educational piece for my profession. It was wonderful to be around professionals who are the top performers in what we do. To be with a tribe of people who "get it" rekindled my passion for helping moms and babies. I have a love of learning and I didn't want to miss a single second of the lectures. I honestly don't know how any IBCLC can practice without taking this course. Without the critical skills taught in this course, we are not doing enough to help our communities."..Jacqueline Kincer, IBCLC

"This course should be a requirement for any IBCLC. Whether you are practicing in an in-patient setting or as a private practice IBCLC in the community, the classes included will fill in many gaps in traditional lactation education. Despite my own years of experience in allopathic pediatric medicine, I learned a tremendous amount of actionable material. The course covers much more than how to work with a dyad experiencing tethered oral tissue. I am looking forward to attending their other offerings in the near future!"...Chaya Lighten, IBCLC

By the successful completion of the three-day course, the experienced IBCLC will be able to define the steps involved in functional habilitation of the breastfeeding dyad, educate the family in the steps to accomplish such, create a sustainable and achievable care plan, and be able to share such information with colleagues with the intent and goal of collaboration and enhanced knowledge in the field of advanced lactation.

The experienced IBCLC will be familiar with the anatomy and mechanics of infant facial structure, its role in feeding, and the ability to identify structural dysfunction. The experienced IBCLC will also be able to identify dysfunction in the lactating parent including: milk supply, subconscious feeding compensations made for ineffective nurslings and positioning. 

The learner will be able to offer various strategies to implement in a sustainable and achievable care plan for the parent to overcome these dysfunctions in their feeding journey. In addition, the learner will be able to competently identify dysfunction in the maternal or infant gut, and explain the role of the microbiome and its significance to the family. They will be able to refer to an appropriate care provider for additional assistance in such cases.

After the training, the experienced IBCLC will be able to reference a compendium of effective exercises and tools for facilitating oral habilitation, sucking and body movement.They will be capable and competent in demonstration for the families and their child(ren). The learner will be able to use multiple strategies to confidently educate families on the use and reasoning behind the care plan developed for infants with complex feeding difficulties.

The learner will be able to assess the knowledge base of their client, develop understandable and digestible explanations of the identified problems, create sustainable care plans outlining achievable goals, and will be able to help the families in their care to feel informed and empowered in their decision-making.

There will be an intellectual property agreement to sign at the beginning of the course. Approval of this agreement is not automated and may take up to 2 business days to complete.

Course curriculum

    1. Intellectual Property Agreement—IBCLC MasterClass

    1. Learning to See Babies

    2. Introduction: The Role of the Primitive Reflex in Oral Function, Bryna Hayden

    3. Breastfeeding: the Architect of the Human Airway, Jennifer Tow

    4. Myofunctional Disorders: Origination in Infancy, Long-term Impact on Human Health: Sandra Coulson

    5. Functional Assessment of the Breast/Chest Feeding Dyad Part 1, Bryna Hayden & Jennifer Tow

    6. Functional Assessment of the Breast/Chest Feeding Dyad: Part 2, Bryna Hayden & Jennifer Tow

    7. Rhythmic Movement for Function, Bryna Hayden

    8. The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Intro, Sharon Vallone

    9. The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part 2, Sharon Vallone

    10. The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part 3, Sharon Vallone

    11. The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part 4a, Sharon Vallone

    12. The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part 4b, Sharon Vallone

    13. The Role of Bodywork in Normalising Function: Part 5, Sharon Vallone

    1. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Part 1 Bryna Hayden

    2. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Part 2 Jennifer Tow

    3. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Tongue Huggies

    4. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Hip Massage and Stir the Soup

    5. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Tongue Tip Circle

    6. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Tongue Side Pushes

    7. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Tongue Lateralization

    8. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Lollipop Cheek Stretch

    9. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Arm Circles

    10. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Lip Stretch & Smooth

    11. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Upper & Lower Lip External Brushing

    12. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Lip Glides

    13. Hands on: Tools for Oral Habilitation of the Breastfed Baby, Lip Presses

    1. Looking at the WHOLE BABY, Sharon Vallone

    2. Maternal History and its Role in Functional Habilitation, Jennifer Tow

    3. Collaborative Assessment of Neurologic and Biomechanical Function as it Affects Breastfeeding, Bryna Hayden & Sharon Vallone

    4. Supporting Healing and Optimising Function Post Tongue-tie Release, Jennifer Tow

    5. Effectively & Ethically Communicating With & Teaching Parents, Professionals, Colleagues, Bryna Hayden

    6. The Steps to Habilitation: Applying Our Tools in Normalising Function, Sharon Vallone

    1. Morning Live Session

    2. Afternoon Live Session

    3. Evening Live Session

    1. Post-MasterClass Completion Information

    2. Evaluation

About this course

  • $675.00
  • 38 lessons
  • 33 hours of video content


We reserve the right to refund registration in full and cancel the attendance of participants in cases of force majeure, where concerns of intellectual property infringement is at issue or for other reasons in conflict with our educational mission.

If you are not an IBCLC, you will be refunded less the Stripe fee.


IBCLCs only